Connect, Develop and Grow Your Startup​

First step into the world of start-ups and entrepreneurship!

JumpStart is an innovative workshop from AIC-Prestige Inspire Foundation, designed to provide student participants with a glimpse of possibilities and opportunities in the exciting world of start-ups and entrepreneurship. Drawing inspiration from increased success cases in university-level entrepreneurship across India, the purpose of the workshop is to present entrepreneurship as a viable future option for young minds.

The workshop is structured across 4 modules – Creativity & Innovation, Entrepreneurial Skills, From Idea to Start-up, and Intellectual Property Rights – each offering a progressive view of entrepreneurship. It is designed to supplement the theoretical learnings imparted by faculty in classroom, and therefore, is indexed to practical, hands-on learning. The workshop creates a bridge between learning and implementing by providing actionable student innovation-oriented insights into raising seed funding for an idea even without a start-up or any form of legal business entity.

JumpStart is relevant also to those students who do not wish to pursue entrepreneurship, as it enhances employability and future-readiness of participants with vital learnings in creativity, innovation and dealing with risks.

For the management of business schools, institutes and universities, JumpStart can be a valuable resource, contemporizing learning for students and enabling improved entrepreneurial outcomes and student placements. All participants receive a certificate from AIC-Prestige Inspire Foundation

Workshop outcomes for institutes

  • Basket of student-led ideas and innovations – can be flag bearers of entrepreneurial culture within the institute or school
  • Possible grant or debt funding opportunities for high-potential ideas of the institute
  • Protection and monetization measures for intellectual property, helping establish the institute’s credibility as an innovation centre
  • Support to entrepreneurship faculty with improved student learning and grades
  • Superior placement outcomes as students gain vital employability and business skills in practical settings

Workshop details

60 Students

Batch Size



150 Minutes

Duration of each session

Ideal for

  • Students of Grade 11th and Grade 12th
  •  Students of undergraduate and postgraduate programs
  •  Students of entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs, with or without a validated idea

Elements of learning

  • Experiential, practical-oriented pedagogy aided by enriching content
  • Learning through simulations, role-plays, and gamification tools
  • Visit and orientation at AIC – Prestige Inspire Foundation
  • Short conversations with founders